Glad to have your return and to hear you are mending. Being an octogenarian living alone is a bit challenging at times, but I wouldn’t trade with anyone I know of, with the possible exception of E. Jean!! How wonderful to know that an 80 year old woman’s reputation has been deemed worthy of $83 million by a jury of peers !!!
Glad to have your return and to hear you are mending. Being an octogenarian living alone is a bit challenging at times, but I wouldn’t trade with anyone I know of, with the possible exception of E. Jean!! How wonderful to know that an 80 year old woman’s reputation has been deemed worthy of $83 million by a jury of peers !!!
Glad to have your return and to hear you are mending. Being an octogenarian living alone is a bit challenging at times, but I wouldn’t trade with anyone I know of, with the possible exception of E. Jean!! How wonderful to know that an 80 year old woman’s reputation has been deemed worthy of $83 million by a jury of peers !!!
WooHoo, E. Jean!