I look forward to sitting down and reading these previous posts! So glad you shared.

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Ramona, I rarely intentionally go back to read something I've written, but when I do, I usually think I wrote reasonably well back then. Sometimes I'll hear a little of my "voice" in that old writing, but usually what I notice is the structure just being messy. Things are a lot tighter for me these days.

That said, I've written like 250 things over the last 250 days! I want to do something like what you've done here, but I might need to rely on my readers to remind me of the things they've enjoyed. I'm not sure I have the stomach to look through all those old pieces.

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I almost never re-read old things, unless I have to. I'm usually afraid I'll read it and go, "Ugh, what we're you thinking?" LOL

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I love it! I, too, reread my writing and find it joyous to update. (On the other hand, I never relistened to any of my podcasts or radio shows when I briefly did that a few years back.) And I find it wonderful to know what pieces writers I love loved crafting. So, I’m looking forward to exploring each of these. They’re in my cue for when it’s reading time! ♥️

Hey, quick question, Ramona. Did you get an email from me a few weeks back? No worries at all if so! I’m just trying to sort out if I know how to contact people off the app using the @substack email.

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to be fair, I didn't see them when they first came out. Now I have! Well done. I often read what I've written, especially my 'toons. Much of the time it leads me to believe I'm brilliant, except when it doesn't. It's one of the reason I like doing encore presentations. Of course, I only encore the brilliant ones. The other ones, not so much.

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Yep, I'm a re-reader. Good to know I'm not alone. Thanks for these previous posts, I'm saving them for later.

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