Oct 13, 2021Liked by Ramona Grigg

This was very helpful Thank you. I need to learn a lot more and try to understand the ME in CNF without it being ABOUT me. This is something I am not sure how it is done but want to learn.

I do tell stories of my life, especially in my earlier videos. I knew I had to build some kind of history so people could understand my beliefs. I do think I make people feel something they either love or hate my views of reality. I get all kinds of emotional reactive comments ...some supportive and some very hostile. I am a flashpoint for all kinds of emotions.

So I think that emotion alone can't be the only thing in CHF writing and you give other rules as well.

I love to read fiction writers who are masters at world-building. This is very true in fantasy fiction which I like but I have also read a lot of historical fiction. Some writers have the most musical descriptive sentences..... I wish I could do that :)

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I love this. I read it before and enjoyed the reminder the second time around. I write a lot of creative nonfiction and love to tell stories that connect with something in those who read them. I also love the humor of every day life. You are a master at this. When I laugh out loud at some point you have made or a clever way of saying something, you’ve nailed it with me. So here’s my question: I have some things to send and I always sent them to you at Indelible Ink, now you are more of a “moving target” so where do I send things now? Second, sending pieces to Indelible Ink set up an interactive conversation. I love this conversation just as much. How can those of us who follow you participate in an interactive way on Substack? I would love to do what I can to help this community flourish. It’s a good conversation. (I do share tour pieces.)

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You nailed the 'creative' non-fiction with your sleuthy way of sliding us over to your substack website. Off topic, but can you share the method behind the madness? 2 posts, one the excerpt with the link and the second the 'real deal'?? Will you remove the trailer post? I'm so confused ... but also anxious to be a mimic!

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So, this was a very interesting read. I guess I have been writing creative nonfiction for my whole essay life. Though I can point to some pieces that feel more creative than others. Would you consider your post itself to be CNF?

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Helpful description, Ramona. Thanks

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