Yeah, it didn’t go great. I’m not sure what I was expecting. But whatever it was, those expectations turned out to be profoundly unrealistic. That being said, I didn’t die so that’s a win.

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Oh no no no don’t stop writing about this. We have to stay alive in this fight.

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Feb 20Liked by Ramona Grigg

"Nobody is asking me to do it. Nobody would even notice if I stopped. But I would know. And I have to live with myself." I think people would notice if you stopped. But that's not why I'm commenting. I'm commenting because i love these lines: "I would know. And I have to live with myself." That's all that really matters. We have to do the things we have to do. I applaud you for fighting the good fight, though sometimes you feel you are screaming into the void. There's a lesson for everyone in your words here, not necessarily having to do with politics. We all must live with ourselves in one way or another. When someone has convictions, when someone is doing what's in their heart, when someone writes their own truths, it's simply inspiring. Every day, each of us has a new opportunity to make a difference--of course, you know that already. And you have no idea who may be reading your words here and how they may be thinking "she's right. I need to do something, too. I need to live my own truth." Many people squander that opportunity. But you do not. It's really wonderful.

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Please remember: this is YOUR Substack. To write as you feel called.

Keep it coming!

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I also took a break when I broke my leg and after the fall of Twitter. I spent 15 mos in rehab and needed to heal. I didn't need the toxic emotions I get from being politically engaged these days. Now, I'm slowly becoming active again, but I have a much different attitude and perspective. It ain't easy being anything but red.

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I understand every single thing you typed there, Ramona.

You care because you are a true patriot. I am very thankful for you and all the people, who rage and fight and cry and worry for our country.

Sure, there are other things we could be doing, and writing about, but our heart nags at us otherwise.

My email is always open to you.

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If we don't deal with this now - doing what we can, we might not be able live the life we had, which could include writing about topics that are in our hearts. To me, that is the crossroads we are at.

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I have found Substack to be a perfect platform to share our truths, meet likeminded people (and well, sometimes not so likeminded 😂) exercise our brains, and open our souls. I enjoy your writing very much. Cant blame you one bit from backing off from politics now and then...yesterday was brutal for me out there! These are very unique times in American history, and sharing our collective concern is therapeutic. Keep writing!! ✌️

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Yep!!! That's the truth of it. And he has announced what he will put into place and who he will support if he is the President. It should alarm everyone.

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Ramona, I really like how honest you are about the need to do political writing and the panic you feel. I would say voicing those vulnerabilities is a service in itself, and I have my own struggles in this regard. Here’s one thing I wonder about those who are tired of hearing about politics: what makes them tired? can they be specific? I think there’s room here for an excellent discussion about why political culture, especially in the US, feels so toxic and the role mainstream media plays in stoking the panic, rage, and sense of doom.

What does a positive piece about politics look like? How do we stand up for the values we believe? How do we list them, enunciate them clearly and specifically, make them personal and real for readers?

Those are questions I ask myself, as I struggle with my own exhaustion about the state of political play. You are not alone - does it help to know that? Sometimes that helps me.

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Life in its most inclusive sense is the subject many of us are writing about, and the unease and downright dread inspired by the current direction of our politics is a central part of life for millions of people. So I don't see any need to stick the subject into a separate box. My only requirement for a piece of writing about politics is that it be interesting and not just the kind of repetitious rant you tend to see on social media.

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Feb 20Liked by Ramona Grigg

I haven't been following long, but I've appreciated your recent writing. I share your perception of what's at stake. It's hard to know how to best participate. I'm not a fan of sacrificing my own mental health for no benefit; I understand stepping back. Your writing has prompted me to think again about how to counter what's happening.

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“Nobody would even notice if I stopped. But I would know. And I have to live with myself.” You are so not alone in this feeling. I’m so grateful for the work you do and to read your words. Thank you for being YOU!

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Ramona, it's your party, your house-rules and if people don't like it they have the ability to unsubscribe.

What matters is what matters to you and others who believe the same way.

I applaud your courage and conviction and read with profound interest here in Australia. But periodically, stand on your porch and give yourself permission to breathe and observe the minutiae of what surrounds you. Let it refresh you before mounting up and riding into battle again.

The Democrats need you whole, not exhausted and battle-thin...

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I'm here to say that you should write exactly whatever you want to write about. No one, and I mean NO ONE (not even me! ha ha!) gets to tell a writer or artist or cartoonist what they should write/make art about. We all have the choice to read or not to read, and no, if they choose not to read, there is really no reason for them to tell you all about it. They do not have leave to dump their emotional trash in your comments.

As you can probably gather, I have had a person or two tell me that they "don't like the direction my work is taking". Oddly, for me, I resisted the urge to rip them a new one, and calmly (no, really!) explained that my work was my work and came from my brain and heart, and they were welcome to unsubscribe.

I expect there will be quite a bit of this happening in the next year. Keep writing whatever the hell you want. I enjoy it, and if I don't, you won't hear about it from me. :-)

Did I just dump my emotional trash here? Oops! My bad.

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Ramona, I know I’ve irritated you at various times, and most likely will again. But we are colleagues— I flatter myself when I say that— and the idea that you might wonder for even one moment whether you ought to continue with whatever you’re driven to write; I can’t say I love that. We’re all small parts of something big, here, and while I support your decision to take mental health breaks from politics sometimes, I hope you don’t ever take a break from your voice or from your conviction. People need you.

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