I’m horrified by the restacking comments thing. Maia Toll just said she saw her comment on my piece, showing up in her Notes. What??! How?? Can someone come into my comment section, take her comment and repost it?? As it goes, it was a lovely comment but that’s not the point. Where is the privacy? Where are the boundaries?

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I just checked and I can’t repost comments from my post, so how could anyone else? I can’t repost from yours either. I wonder if Substack will clarify for us.

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When I clicked on 'restack' here on your comment it gave me the choice to 'restack' or 'restack with a comment'. I was afraid to push anything!

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When I’m in comments on the desktop version I get the restack option. In the app, I don’t! Maybe it’s a function they’re still rolling out. I am confused.

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Ah, mystery solved. I think there are several features that only show up on desktop. They must still be working on the app.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

Is it the share comment function, in the menu under the three dots? I didn't see how I could do that on Notes on my phone, but maybe on desktop?

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No, it's included in a comment. On mine there is a circle with arrows and it says 'RESTACK'. Is it not at the end of the comments you see here? Maybe it's only visible to the essay author. I'm not sure.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

Restack is at the end of the newsletter itself, not individual comments. I haven't played with that function yet.

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I'm seeing it at the end of your comment, and everyone else's. As I said, it could be that only the author sees it. Even that is too much control. It's a feature that could be horribly misused. I hope they reconsider it.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

Ah, now I see what's going on.

Firstly, restack is available on desktop for all comments.

On smartphone, if going directly into the comments thread, the function doesn't appear.

However, if opening a comment to write a reply on smartphone, the restack function appears.

Functional set up has been inconsistent, that's all.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

Okay, so just tried that out, and restack would allow me to share your post if I want to promote to other people.

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Do you mean you tried it from the comment? So it doesn't 'restack' the comment, only the post?

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I couldn’t see it when I tried but now it’s obvious! And I don’t like it!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

So, using the share comment function also brings up a copy option, which means the comment can be dropped into Notes, I assume. That's how you'd do it. I also checked, and this also works when comments are locked to paid subscribers only, that is, a non paying subscriber can still share by copying comments.

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I missed this. Sorry for repeating my question above. Thanks for checking. I can see big problems with sharing comments, but we'll see.

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This is terrible.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

Yeah, I didn't realize this was going to be a thing for Notes. In that regard, it's a Twitter feature, where, of course, reposting and mocking comments and commenters was a compulsion for many users.

Paid or unpaid readers can take comments from any Substack and restack to Notes.

Some of your other observations are of interest. I haven't had time to have a look at Notes since it went live, and therefore all users can join in. I only played around as a reader in beta, so it was all innocent and tentative.

In beta, it was clear to me that the core purpose of Notes'is to drive traffic, and to drive paid subscriptions. Fair enough, that's the point of Substack.

I'll have to drop in to see if I notice anything more odious happening in Notes now that it's live.

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The owners clearly would like to see more paid subscriptions, for obvious reasons--and so would I for obvious reasons--but I'm still hoping for a purer version of Notes. That is, a true community within the walls of Substack, where writers--mostly writers--and readers can find our comfort.

Writers, to the person, I think, are bundles of insecurity. Our work is by necessity a process that requires alone time, so finding our community is essential. Notes could be the perfect venue, if only we can pull it off.

That's the big question: Who is going to decide the future of Notes? I suspect it'll be the group that grabs it the hardest.

Can that be us? I wonder.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees a problem there. I was feeling a bit paranoid.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

I wonder if Substacks with a walled garden prevent people from reposting comments unless they're also a paid subscriber?

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That's a good question. Interesting...

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

That's a really good question...hrm.

I've been hoping to keep my comment sections open for free readers, and that was always what I told people. The more things like this happen though, the more I think it might be something I need to change in the future.

I really hate the thought of closing them to paid subscribers only, though.

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I argue so much against closed comments I don't think I could ever do it, but I think I'll bring this to Substack's attention, pointing out all of the pitfalls. I'm shocked they haven't thought of them on their own.

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Sam - per my other comments (I was exploring on the fly, would have been more efficient if I'd investigated first, commented once!), It makes no difference.

I've only been reading Substacks since early this year, and currently follow more than 30, trying to get that down to something manageable! Obviously I'm not a paid subscriber to all of those, I don't have that kind of disposable budget, alas.

When testing out last night, I confirmed that I can restack from comment threads regardless of whether I am paid or not paid, following or not following, and regardless of whether the Substack owner has locked down their newsletter, chats, or notes, for only paid subscribers to be able to comment.

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I give you credit for your investigation. So many of the opportunities Substack sends us go in one folder and never get looked at again. You pick up everything and examine it in detail and I appreciate that! You've explained it for me in a way I didn't get when I scanned quickly through their offering and filed it where I question if I'll ever look at it again.

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So will you ever look at it again? Notes will never be all things to all people, but I really am curious about how other Substack writers are going to use it. It has great potential, but, as with every other social media effort, the people using it will mold it. It will become whatever the majority wants it to be.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

You speak my mind (and heart.)

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Appreciate your initial post on this subject Ramona as well as this most recent response to Journalisa. I'm on the fence at the moment. Just wrapping up my next blog post..."Perceptions and Expectations"... that title in part because of the exchanges taking place on this topic but also other "reads" that have entered my vision this past week. Please keep on doing what you do... your wisdom, curiosity and non-judgemental approach allow me to continue to be me....warts and all...LOL

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Thank you, Marilyn, I can’t wait to read your piece. I want this always to be the place where you can be you.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

There are a lot of things I like about Substack, and there are several writers here I read (like you!), but I'm not a Substack Notes fan. It's mostly because I'm not a social media fan, and this seems like social media to me. I wrote about Notes here (and I hope you don't mind a "why I'm not using Notes" link on your post about Notes!):


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No, not at all! You make some good points, and you made me laugh, so it's all good.

I agree that it can and probably will be a distraction. I personally need that community feel and I know I'll have a tendency to go overboard, and my writing will be sitting there impatiently waiting until I finish schmoozing, but that's me. It won't be a surprise when it happens. (I'm working on better self-control.)

Social media isn't for everyone, and it takes an enlightened soul to recognize that before you get hooked and have to go into rehab to get over it.

I always enjoy your writing, Bob, so nothing you say is going to change that. (Lucky you, right? 😉)

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TBH, I agree.

I already hate Twitter and have closed my account. Love Instagram and spend too much time there. And always have to kick myself into order to get that Substack newsletter picture and print perfect when I should be writing a novel. So maybe I won't be a part of Notes... as I said to Ramona, not sure...

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You have some interesting thoughts on the Notes feature, Ramona. Many of which I agree with.

I straddle the middle of the road, I admire people's writing of quality, and I wish I could support all the writers whose thoughts and content I find interesting, but my budget just doesn't support my wants.

As a writer, I approach notes for my Substacks (Brace Yourself & Fantastical Fiction), not so much as a form of social media, but a place where I can make recommendations and share shorter pieces of content that don't lend themselves easily to being whole posts. Time will tell if the feature will be such a thing for me. I guess we'll see.

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Yes- and as a music writer (with a personal essay bent) many of us in the music Substack community have decided we’d use Notes to promote each other’s writing. A way to hopefully get more readers and subscribers to each other’s newsletters.

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That's such a great idea, Steve, and so useful to those of you in that genre. I wonder if more general writers (like myself) could pull that off? I hope so.

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Yes, I think somewhere in the Notes introduction the owners and staff hoped it would be used that way. It's what I want to see, too, but there's no way of ensuring it. There are no restrictions and few guidelines, so I think it'll go the way the majority wants it to go.

It would be great if we became the majority!

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I looked at it once, but I'm not sure if/when I'll go back. I joined Substack to read people's poems & essays (and write my own), not Twitteresque snippets.

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Stick with it, Wendy. I spent an hour this morning reading some truly great writing here on Substack and I admit I found at least two of them on Notes. So there is that factor. Finding more to read. As if we need more to read!

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haha, yes, this is a never-ending source of reading material! But I will try Notes out again sometime.

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I joined Notes but have concerns and plan to take it slowly. I don't feel comfortable offering the option to all my subscribers - many are not in the SS network. For now, I am going to post in Notes without notifying anyone. If they are read fine and if not fine. I am in the FaceBook SS group - and it reminds me of that format. My primary focus is writing and I want to honor the subscribers I have with the format they seem to appreciate. As Journalisa said, it will go into a folder of "maybes" because it takes time to figure them out and use them with integrity. So, I will be interested in what others have to say.

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It's good to take it slow, and really, there's no hurry. I admit I'm torn. I am the worst at getting my writing out there so I'll probably use Notes as a sort of passive promotion tool. But my fear is that I'll get sucked into it and my writing will suffer.

I'm a big girl now so I should be able to figure it out. (She says...)

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Yeah, I haven’t promoted to my subscribers because I really want to see this as a space to network, discover (and share) new writing, workshop ideas, and expose others outside of my subscriber network to my work.

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That's a great point, Sarah. I hadn't thought of that and now I'm sorry I sent the invite to my readers.

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My guess is that, for now, most won't venture here. It's much easier if you have the app. Does Substack taking responsibility for content moderation matter? YES!!! But at the same time, it's on us, as writers, to make Notes what we want it to be. Twitter was perfect for hot takes and quick information. I want my Substack behavior and interaction to still be focused on quality long-form content, even if I occasionally make short posts, like asking for Harvest Host experiences. That's where the networking comes in 😊

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Yes! All of that!

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

Readers and writers have Notes by default, and whether following one or more Substacks, readers have access to read, comment, or post on Notes. As an individual writer you can't block people who subscribe to your newsletter from accessing or using Notes.

It's not mandatory for a writer to send out an email to their subscribers to let them know that they're going to be using Notes, and if they do choose to, it's intended as a one-off, since no one wants to get emails to tell them that a writer has posted something on Notes.

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Is it all readers or just subscribers? It’s my understanding that only Substack writers and subscribers have access to Notes.

You’re right about the invitation to Notes being a one-off, so that’s not so bad. I feel better!

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

Subscribers, paid or not paid.

I'm assuming most people would follow more than one Substack, so even if you had a function to block people from your Notes, they would still have access via the fact of subscribing to other people.

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Yes, that’s the way Twitter works, too. I can stop them from bugging me but they’re free to bug everyone else.

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Except on Substack you'd be blocking your own subscribers.

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I tried a NOTE yesterday which you kindly read, Ramona, but I also wonder whether this is just taking us down the Twitter path...I want to figure out a Substack schedule for myself so it isn't the time suck that other SM have proven to be. Now that I've pretty much cured myself of checking out FB and IG too often, I don't want to fall down this rabbit hole. That said, I do appreciate the writing community quality of Substack...

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It's dizzying, isn't it? Those of us who like and need the community aspect are also writers who require alone time in order to get the job done. Finding that balance is, sorry to say, beyond me, so I'm no help!

I'm hoping I won't like Notes that well. LOL.

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I easily get overwhelmed and struggle mightily with social media. I appreciate Substack's innovations but I fear I'll feel the pressure of trying to keep up with it. Of course, that's just my personal issue clouding my vision.

Thank you for saying you appreciate our work for its integrity and not its popularity or ability or lack thereof to generate income.

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It looks like we're all in the same boat! We've all been subject to the allures of social media, possibly because we do need that sense of community, but maybe we're finally finding there are other outlets that aren't as addicting or as toxic. That's what I've liked about Substack. This community is calmer and more focused. So I do worry that Notes will open up a Pandora's box and mess the whole thing up.

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Yes. Calmer is the exact word. I've never learned how to play social games (internet or not), and the calm nature Substack offered was appealing. Hopefully Pandora's box will stay locked down.........

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I hear you. I feel mixed as well. Notes is nice, and I’m using it, but I do worry it’ll morph into something more Twitter-like. We’re playing with fire here a little bit. Substack in my opinion is the best thing we’ve got right now for serious, ambitious writers who want to connect directly with readers. We should be very careful. And by ‘we’ I mean the platform.

Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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Well said, Michael. We do need to be careful. There are so many distractions out there and not all of them are good for us. Thank you!

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Thoughtful. I think many of us on this platform are looking at the expanded features with a bit of apprehension. I have already decided (and acted) on my dislike of writers using notes to boast about subscriptions by unsubscribing from their newsletters. Those are thoughts you should share with your dog on a walk and no one else. It’s what people used to call “gauche”. I am enjoying posting shorter items to notes, but I will likely never repost someone else. Reposting might sound like sharing something interesting, but in my experience it is the death of context and thus nothing but an echo chamber.

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I don't necessarily want to shame those writers who brag about profits and subscriptions but I would like them to know there are whole bastions of us who find it yucky. Some of them are new to this and it IS exciting when suddenly they find themselves with more money or more readers than they might have imagined, but that's what friends and families are for. Not other writers, especially those who are still struggling. It's like plunging a knife into their heart.

I'll have to give some thought to the idea of reposting. I'm all for promoting other writers but, again, is Notes the place to do it? How crowded will it become? How are we supposed to navigate if it's a single big room and once again everyone gets lost in the crowd?

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I don’t want to shame anybody either. I just put my attention elsewhere.

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Hi Sarah, I like that distinction.

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With you.

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my very first comment. i have been trying to use substack. I am a new writer, but have been trying for a long time during my life. I am older now and I do want a passive source of income, but...

but i cant help it; I write because i want to write not cuz i will make money (maybe i am a fool). I am deeply suspicious of changes in a platform because these are often movitated by money.

I hate facebook and twitter and have never used either. i too want substack to become the or a replacement. I too want a community. I live in Southern Humboldt in northern California and I know the power and joy of community. I would put my money there every time. And, in the end, this is about us, how we "serve" (in the best tao way) each other. If substack gets in the way, then I am gone. In a brutal way, we do not serve substack, substack serves us. i will keep trying; what else can we do? anyway.... :) steve

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Welcome, Steve, and thanks so much for commenting. I'm honored to be your first! It's going to be quite an adjustment for people who came to Substack to escape the hassle of social media, only to find it may have followed them here. It'll be interesting to see what the reactions are and how willing the owners are to make the necessary adjustments.

I read two of your posts and I see you're a cannabis expert. What a fascinating subject for a blog, but can I make a suggestion? Your 'About Page' is the perfect place to explain what you're doing there and what your own background is. You'll get more readers that way, since many subscribers will go to "About" before they'll subscribe. Other than that, it looks like you're on the right path. Congratulations!

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I find Notes overwhelming!

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There's no doubt they can be. Especially now, when they're still trying to get the kinks out. If you have questions, ask away. One of us may know the answer. Or not.

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Update: Ask and ye shall receive: I posted a note on our concerns about restacking comments and I got a note from Nick at Substack letting me know they've scrapped the plan as of immediately!

I can't say enough about the crew here at Substack. Every time I've ever needed them they've come through! Yay!

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Oh this is great news Phewf!

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Not sure about Notes.

As I'm an enthusiastic Instagrammer, I'm not sure it won't just be repetitive.

I would love to build my subscriptions on Substack as I find everyone who is brave enough to comment on my account becomes someone with whom I want to engage on a regular basis. Substack does indeed have the capacity to draw kindred spirits together - iron filings and magnets comes to mind. But is it Notes vs Instagram?

As I say - not sure...

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I've never used Instagram so I can't compare, but Notes should settle down in a while and I'm hoping it'll be an extension of Office Hours, where we can learn from each other and share our experiences.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

Having poked around a bit today, yes, maybe a somewhat like Office Hours, but the bar is open all hours.

At this early stage, it's Substack writers talking to other Substack writers. That's based on my Substack list, which is always going to be different to another person. My Notes experience will therefore always be different to others. It willl depend on who people are following.

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Yes, you can either keep it to people you subscribe to, or you can see what else is going on. They’re giving us those two options. Unfortunately, others can come in and look at ours, too—and comment.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

I've found the Home tab isn't much broader than the Subscription tab. I'm not sure the criteria for Home, but clearly it's not the whole crowd, which would get real noisy, real fast!

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

Instagram is a whole different platform, designed for transitory, visually based content.

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But Notes doesn't quite cut the mustard for me, even tho' folk are posting pics. It's possible on Instagram to post pics and write a long and very interesting story with it. Not so transitory either as I have made friendships with people I follow. But in the end all these whizzbang social media platforms (and Notes is that, for sure) need 'respect' as their core point. Wouldn't you agree?

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