i gave up on grammar a long time ago / complete sentences were the next to go / spelling however is sacrosanct / i will correct people on facebook for mis-spellings and facebook is not exactly known for it's high literary standards

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I don't usually correct spelling, knowing how easy it is to miss typos, but I admit whenever I see 'anyways' it changes the way I see the person writes it. Maybe only slightly, but it does. It's a thing with me and I'm not proud of it. 😒

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well we all have our thing i guess / i wish the world would conform to my expectations and designs . . . but anyways

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It's not nice to push my buttons!

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I write a lot. I can't afford a copy editor. I make a lot of mistakes, and I correct them. I do appreciate when people tell me what isn't correct, but not if it is a pedantic way. I also love to push the boundaries of words as I have come to know them over the years.

Meaning and purpose and intent is far more important to me!

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It's a hard call when it comes to pointing out mistakes to other writers. As a writer/editor as well as a reader, those mistakes jump out at me and they almost always ruin what should be a satisfying read. I have a hard time getting past them, but, unless I know for a fact the writer would want to know, I let it go. I just stop reading.

Nothing wrong with pushing boundaries as long as your ultimate meaning is clear and your readers aren't left floundering in a messy word salad--which I know you would never do!

If we never experimented with language we'd all end up using the same words in the same order, and what could be more boring? I'm all for messing around with them. That's part of the fun!

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You crack me up, and I feel you on every point above. Since I started my newsletter, I've tried to get better about everything above, but muscle memory takes a lot of re-learning, 62 years to be exact.

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There's a fine line between letting it rip and looking like a genius and letting it rip and looking like a complete amateur. I don't know where to draw the line so I write things like this to show I'm thinking about it and I'm not completely clueless.

If they're laughing with me they're not laughing at me. LOL.

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I’ve heard so much negative flack about the use of ellipses that I’m thinking of replacing them with “(pause to think here)” since that’s what I’m generally trying to convey when I use them.

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