Apr 11, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

This is so cool! Recently my sister loaned me the Susan Stamberg book, Every Night at Five, because she was an intern at NPR while Susan worked on the book and she found a copy at a thrift shop. Leafing through the book I was very surprised to see a response to a question that had been posed on All Things Considered about how things were going to be in the future, i.e. now. The comment was signed with a name very familiar to me, the name both my father and brother use. The comment was thoughtful and on point. Turns out it was my brother who commented, my brother who has become a conspiracy theorist, Qanon, MAGA, evangelical nut job. How different things turned out for him.

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OMG, how weird! I wonder what could cause such a radical change? Obviously, your brother is not dumb or clueless. It's like politicians switching from Democrat to Republican. Right now, the parties couldn't be more opposite. I've thought about it and can't think of another historical or even personal example of turning our entire thought process around to a crueler way of thinking. Outside of a cult, that is, and cult behavior is still a compete mystery to me.

Those people use 'personal freedom' as a talking point while essentially giving up all of their own.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

It started about 15 years ago and little by little he has become more and more radicalized. Mind you, he has a PhD in shrimp reproduction, was in the Peace Corps in Ecuador helping set up shrimp farms. He then traveled to mainland China, spent a couple of years teaching English, met a Chinese woman and got married. But ever since returning from his travels and marrying he has become more and more convinced that there is a world-wide conspiracy by the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates to control people and implant microchips in them, and force them use digital currency and eat insects. Of course he’s a rabid antivaxxer and is always posting things about “Nuremberg 2.” I haven’t seen him and his family since 2018 and have had very little contact with him since I found out he was at the Capitol on Jan 6th (although he says he didn’t enter the building). It’s sad.

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That's so sad. I wonder how much of this would be manifesting if the internet had never been opened to the public? As much good as it does, it's a breeding-ground for conspiracies.

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It was most definitely fueled by the internet.

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Such a moving story, Maite. My heart goes out to you all.

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Enjoyed this--please, keep on writing!!

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A star among us! I'm so glad you shared this, Ramona. These days, it seems harder to know what to say, to write, to do -- but I have the feeling you're making all the right moves. At least as far as many of us are concerned. Keep at it!

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Hardly a star! "Nobody knows my name". 😒😄

I've been at this for a long time and when I started here on Substack it was with the idea that I would recycle some old pieces that once meant something to me. After 12 years of writing at Ramona's Voices there are many pieces I barely remember, so I'll be going through the archives now and then-- a 'chore' I really enjoy!

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That is great! Being quoted by Bill Moyers is a wonderful way to get your 15 minutes.

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Well, more like 15 seconds, but, yes!

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His 15 seconds are worth many others' 15 minutes! ;-)

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It felt that way to me!


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Bill Moyers is an idol of mine. The last real (big name) journalist, in my opinion.

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Mine, too. He showed that responsible journalism and truly great writing could converge. He could be funny, too!

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Thanks for reminiscing on the concept of blogging. It takes on many shapes, but for me it was such a good outlet while I was caring for my mom with Alzheimer’s. Even with just a handful of readers. And it launched my writing career, morphing into food writing.

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I'm so glad to hear you could launch a career from your blogging. I think the stigma against blogging, though somewhat deserved, considering the thousands of careless and really bad ones out there, needs to go away.

So many good writers talk about how blogging got them started. It's still a great platform, so freeing for serious writers who have their own ideas about how their writing should be presented.

I went for a long time not wanting to admit what I was doing was blogging, but those days are over. I'm a blogger and this is blogging!

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Not surprised Romona that your words were showcased. And that Romona humor sparkled through with a bite ☺️ Must return soon and of course read your blog and check NOTES thing. All time permitting

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