Enjoyed the Shonda piece - and totally agree about one's ass often being in the right place at the right time. I am finding Substack to be an important next writing "destination" for myself and wanted to thank you again for encouraging me to make that leap. Perhaps because so many of us here are writerly, artsy types, it certainly feels like the gentlest of all of the social media options and I really like that. Thanks Ramona and don't do too much - at first, I thought you'd got a new puppy!

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Jun 25Liked by Ramona Grigg

Very cool that you are helping your grandson with the new store, Ramona! Don’t kill yourself overdoing it, but That Which Does Not Kill You Gives You Something To Write About! 😉

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So true! Thanks.

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Jun 25Liked by Ramona Grigg

Glad to hear you're on the mend and enjoying life outside of Substack. Trying to build a newsletter takes a lot of time and I've neglected other important things...trying to find a balance, as usual!

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I’m sorry to hear you’ve not been well, Ramona. But glad to hear you’re on the mend. All best wishes for the store opening tomorrow. And, like Sue, I thought you’d got a puppy 🐶 🤎

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Thanks for sharing the Shonda piece. I enjoyed reading about your blogging history and could relate to much of what you said as I too was a blogger for many years until I just got too bored with it all. I gravitated over Substack about a year ago, sticking my big toe in the water wondering if I want to jump in and try swimming when I really am not a swimmer, but here I am tying to learn new strokes and keep my head above water. In the meantime, I look to the coach on the side of pool for inspiration and instruction. Thanks for being there. I don’t know if you knew you were even my coach!

"Now I’ve taken my blog voice to Substack. I want my blogs to be uniquely my own. I want to be braver. I want to write with the kind of authority that isn’t show-offy, that isn’t obnoxious, that isn’t academic (not that I could pull that off, anyway), but is entertaining and undeniably me.” That right there is so clarifying to me about bringing my own voice over to Substack. Thanks.

Also, take your time at healing.

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Time flies when you are having fun? I'm glad you are feeling better and getting used to your new town.

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I'm getting to know the shortcuts now. Progress!

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Yes, my dear. I DO know what it’s like. In addition to what April and May, held for me, I moved to a new apartment. thank God it is only next door.

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Good luck to your grandson! 💿

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