I have no problem revealing my biases. They’re important for anyone to determine whether what I have to say on the subject is valid.

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Absolutely. I brought it up today because I've been seeing, especially on notes, lots of apologies for expressing opinions. It really is okay. It's also okay to lose readers over it.

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I think we all have them.

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Very thought-provoking piece, thank you, Ramona. I think the most important thing about biases is to always keep striving to be honest and informed enough to hold the best ones.

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I like what you say about the persona we create— the importance of maintaining the authenticity of that voice readers come to us for. While the persona I write with is very much me in many ways— and of course shares my biases— there is also a necessary distance, a distinction from the me who walks around in the world. (This pertains to nonfiction of course.) Do you find that true for you too? I’m going off subject here, so I won’t say more. But it could be an interesting discussion for another time.

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I must have biases, as I'm snarky about things. Especially where I think people are being stupid (also known as having a different viewpoint from me).

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Jul 16Liked by Ramona Grigg

If we're scared of revealing our biases, we can't write anything to feels true to ourselves. We must strive for those heartfelt, opinionated stories above all else!

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Jul 16Liked by Ramona Grigg

We all have biases.. we all have opinions, I think what's missing, especially in the press, is a questioning of motives on a personal level. The real goal seems to have gone lost.

Even the meaning of independence seems wishy washy ... accountability should be brought back.

Our leaders in past decades have given us all a very bad example of not taking responsibility for their actions and it seems to have trickled down through the ranks, infested the nation... bail- outs, immunity, crimes against humanity, corruption, white collar crime not being held truly accountable.. now we have a repeat offender in the White House ..????!!!! ... everyone seems to think they can just do and say whatever they want, forgetting their consequences. Wich are a undeniable fact of life.

That is why all this seems so insane or has become insane.

We cannot avoid the consequences and we need to remember that.

Mindless and thoughless behavior all around..

We need to remember to chose our words carefully.

They are mightier than the sword.

Free will is not a free for all!

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Jul 18Liked by Ramona Grigg

Really good about ourselves and our built-in biases! I understand we all have opinions colored by our biases, but some opinions are forced upon writers and news commentators by people in supervisory positions! In my opinion, some cable tv outlets are accurately accused of broadcasting slanted opinions of the daily news. Some call it propaganda used to sway public opinion! If we understand this, we can more accurately sort out the truth!

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I would quit any job that forced me to go against my own principles. I would think that might be true of journalism, especially.

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Jul 18Liked by Ramona Grigg

So would I! Unfortunately, some succumb to the pressure, in my opinion!

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Everyone has biases. They wouldn't be human. If you think about it we make judgments when we make a decision and biases play a part in our view or perspective, therefore our decisions.

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OMG….You hit the nail on the head.

I don’t mind opinions; and I don’t mind snark.

My objection is self-righteousness and the know-it-all uppity attitude that pervades content of media pundits; nevermind the misinformation and lack of factual evidence.

All the more reason why this country has to pump up its educational system to encourage greater critical thinking among voters.

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