Best of luck with the move, Ramona!

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Not dropping out, Ramona! I love meeting you here and know the pain, both physical and mental, of dismantling a home you’ve made with care. See you in the new place. It will look like your place before you know it.

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Slow down and breathe💕

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Happy to hear the next chapter is underway! one page (box) at a time. We're all with you in spirit dear Ramona.

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Ramona, I am thinking of you and wishing you all good things from your move to your new home!

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Moving sucks. No matter how much you plan for it. And the older you get, the harder it is. Not just the physical exhaustion but also the emotional. Give yourself permission to take a break. Love your work on Substack. Looking forward for more when you get back.

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Apr 19Liked by Ramona Grigg

I adore you, Mona! Because you are you, but also because you allow me to glimpse my future. We have so much in common. Everything you write resonates. And these days - these so very difficult days - are some I may well face as well. And I deeply hope I will face them with as much grace, humour, moxy, and honesty as you are. I appreciate your words beyond my own. I wish I was close enough to empty those boxes, so you could sit back in an easy chair, sipping a beverage of choice, while directing the placement of your treasures - down to the millimeter! 😍🤗

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Apr 19Liked by Ramona Grigg

Wishing you all the best with your move! So hard on so many levels. Hang in there ❤️

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Moving is so stressful!! I hope the rest of yours goes smoothly (or as smoothly as can be expected).

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You’ve got this Ramona! It’s tough saying goodbye to your forever home…but you will be okay, you will thrive in the new place with decorating, making new friends, exploring the town. I had to sell and move when I became a widow… the biggest leap I ever took. But I’m happy and doing just fine now….Nine years later. A little tip… I wrote a letter to the new owners and one for the house, tucked in back of a kitchen drawer just before the closing. It gave me a sense of peace. I’ll be thinking of you, dear friend. Let your heart hurt and your eyes cry… then be on your way to new beginnings. Hugs 😊🩷🤗🤗🤗

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Life is like a canoe journey. At first it feels like it’s going in circles because canoes are hard to control, there’s always a risk of capsizing and often the destination is not well understood at that moment in time. But, eventually we learn and actually get pretty good at paddling that canoe safely as the journey unfolds.

This is but another leg of the same canoe journey that started so many years ago. Sometimes even seasoned canoeists need to remind themselves to have fun while they’re paddling along, particularly when the inevitable rapids and rocky bottoms are tough to navigate and paddling seems difficult for a few moments.

Remembering all of the places that reliable canoe has travelled to over the years is a big help when those momentary challenges arise, merely because it arrived wherever it was going safely.

Hoping this part of your canoeing journey is enjoyable and memorable, Ramona.

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Hi Ramona, Thinking of you and wishing you the best. I'll be watching for that April 29th post and pictures of the new place.

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I am not moving, but after 32 years in current house, we are getting the last important piece to aging in place done, complete remodel of all 3 bathrooms, and to get ready I am decluttering, deciding what goes to charity shops, what goes up to attic, what stays in place, and finding all the dust behind things that I kept nicely dusted on their tops, yada yada, and every night muscles I thought i was keeping working by walking are telling me that squatting, sitting on the floor, getting up from the floor, carrying large heavy bags of books, etc are entirely different from walking muscles...so pain. So yes, I am feeling your pain. but at least no unpacking at the end. Big hugs.

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Apr 19Liked by Ramona Grigg

You’ll be taking a piece of the Island with you, that will never leave you. Best wishes for “all new adventures ahead !“

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I am also facing some major changes, moving after being in a place since 1992!!! Being older translates into having more stuff to release, give, toss and save. It’s a LOT so I relate and know as time passes this season will be a memory of my past…

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Us? Enough of you? Nev-ahhhh!!!! 🥰

I wrote a heartfelt piece a few weeks ago about letting go of my parents' "forever" home (in 2004), shared it to Facebook, and wouldn't you know the new owner reached out to me here on Substack to invite me to tour the house anytime I'm back home. It's a transition but not an end. Do write that letter, and keep a copy. One of your children will be glad you did.

If you don't have time for the whole thing, the last paragraph might be comforting. You are a-okay! And don't you dare die! Sending you mojo, juju, and stamina.


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