I’m in. I love the idea of a code of ethics or something along that line. I share my opinion in blogs and it bothers me to be lumped in with conspiracy theorists, ranters, and folks who are convinced their little town is being taken over by brown shirts or Big Brother. It’s demoralizing. I not only blog, I am the editor of our tiny Village newspaper. Many folks here rely on that little paper as we are pretty isolated. I take the responsibility seriously. I’m all about your idea!

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I think the main part of a Code of Ethics, while it would serve to keep bloggers honest, is to bring back media trust. We don't know who to trust anymore, and that's a shame. We don't always have to agree with the people we read, but we should be able to trust that they're not deliberately trying to con us.

We used to have the Fairness Doctrine and other rules (not necessarily laws) to guide us, but they're long gone. That doesn't mean they should be gone forever.

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Yes, please. I don’t think this is uniquely applicable to political bloggers, either. Most of my “blogging” is in the parenting and mental health sphere. But my work is set apart because it’s not clickbait, listicle garbage. I would LOVE some kind of seal that validates my work as thoughtful and trustworthy.

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You're right, Nicci, I should have included all bloggers who write advocacy and social justice opinions. Everyone who writes opinions is in the hot seat and could use some encouragement and recognition. Thanks for your thoughts. If we can ever pull this off I'll be sure and expand it to respect all ethical opinion writers.

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I'm catching up[ on reading. I'm for blogger ethics and a seal of approval. I could see this right up Dan Rather's alley, for one. Little by little we can niggle away at Faux Entertainment. And right now, with the Ukraine, is a perfect time to write about how history is recorded...my passion right now. I'm thinking about you constantly these days, even though this blog was a while ago.

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