Internet's Out Again
In the boonies we take what we can get. They could shut us off completely!

Just a note, folks, to tell you my internet and cable are out and have been for over a week now. Reports are that it’s a blown transformer and the island tech guy can’t fix it. New parts ordered but no idea when they’ll get here or get installed. (They’re saying tomorrow or the next day but nobody holds their breath around here.)
I’m using my phone as a hot spot but the signal is so weak it’s like having the worst DSL ever. It just chugs along and sometimes falls asleep along the way. I’m not even sure it can handle this little publishing job.
We’ll see, won’t we?
I’m writing offline on Word—on my old, comfy computer—so there are some things in the offing, but I can only use this new laptop with my phone for some reason, and I haven’t installed Word on it yet. (Dumb! I know! I will!)
Anyway, I miss you. See you soon, I hope. The days are getting shorter, but the colors are amazing! (See above.)
So it’s not all bad.
Enjoy the time of peace and quiet. It's good for health. It's got to be more peaceful and quiet than here where they are building an old house from the inside out... Every day pounding, drilling, cutting, noise, etc!
You weigh up the good with the bad and living in a pastoral setting on an island must surely make it worth it. I say that to try and reinforce my own spine because the coastal internet in my neck of the woods is appalling! Take care.