I'm trying to write this on my phone, first time, and nothing makes sense! So I'll make this quick. I've been without internet for three days now, and I wanted to let you know I'm still here, still thinking about you, and us, and what we could be talking about.
I have a draft on my laptop but I don't know how to transfer it. I've never used my phone as a work station, as much as I've always wanted to learn how, and now’s my chance.
It's quiet. No distractions. I can listen to music but the only public radio station I can pick up is in Canada. I don't really care what happens there. Sorry.
So I'm biting the bullet and learning how to use this damn thing to send stuff out into the world. I know one thing: I wouldn't want to do this all the time. It's worse than trying to type on a manual typewriter. It's pretty primitive for such a modern convenience.
But then it's a phone, isn't it?
Did I mention I have iffy phone service here? We'll see if this goes through. Let me know! As soon as the tech guy rows over to the island and fixes whatever is wrong, I should be back in the real world
Right now I'm working on how to add a picture. As you can see, I'm getting nowhere. I mean, the picture is on the damn phone!
See you soon. I hope.
It would be cool if you could write on a notepad, then take photos of the writing and post those. No keyboard needed! 💜📝
I would be lost. . .it just emphasizes how much we rely on our devices.